Saturday, September 01, 2007

"Damaged Drums of Our Souls" published!

Hey folks,

More good news on the publishing front. My horror short story, "The Damaged Drums of Our Souls" just came out in the new issue of "The Open Vein". You can check out the website here. I'm pleased to publish with The Open Vein again. I think they're a classy operation. If you want to check out more of my stuff, you can look at my main website, or at NBNS, for my dark flash fiction. Hope you're all having a great day, and that you'll be able to check out my writing


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! In my opinion, your work deserves recognition, and I'm delighted to see that others are beginning to appreciate your work the way that I do. One of these days, someone will be lucky enough to become your agent.

Patrick M. Tracy said...


Thanks. One of these days...