Friday, February 06, 2009

Settled Dust postmortem reinvigoration; music for people

Well, many of you will likely be aware that my long, long running haibun cycle, The Settled Dust, finally came to a close recently on Hawkcircle. That being said, the work's just starting on that project. I'm making it into a novella-sized unholy monstrosity as we speak. Various plot threads and nuances are being added, so that it has more novel-y goodness. I hope to be done with that project in a month or two, then there will be the issue of finding someone who's interested in such things.

In other writing news, I just started a new short story in my "Flashover" zombie series. It's called "The High and the Mighty", and it's about stoners who survive the apocalypse (in surprising numbers!) I think it's turning out well so far. I have a few other stories that I need to submit somewhere, as well.

Now, on to something else altogether. I was just on the other day, and I found a neat atmospheric band that you may like. I'm posting a flash music player below, so you can check them out, as well.

now we are six by the glimmer room

I hope you folks enjoy it. Remember to support little businesses like Magnatune in these tough times. They need you more than ever!


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