Monday, August 10, 2009

"Those Who Fall in Silence" up at Tales of the Zombie War!


You've all probably given me up for dead. It's been a bit of a busy summer, and I just haven't had that much to blog about. That said, I'm proud to say that I've got another in my series of "Flashover" stories featured at Tales of the Zombie War. If you'd like to read it (it's free!), click HERE.

I'm pretty happy with the way this story turned out, and though it took the TotZW people a long time to respond, I think it's worth the wait.

In other news, I'm "reopening the wound" to write more of "Dayhunter". More info as it becomes available.

I have a story out for submission, and have happy, good thoughts about it. All my concrit folks have adored it, so I hope that's a good sign.

I'm working on a fairly lengthy story right now, and it's coming out nicely (Suspected Vehicular Homicide).

I'm hoping to submit a bunch of stuff in these waning days of summer. I have several stories that need good homes.

Other than that, I've been computer nerding a lot, and may come back at you with some of that stuff. I've also been target shooting again, which is something I dearly love. It's possible that I might do a gun-centric blog (no promises).

In the meantime, hope you're all well. Take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Done Pat! Looks like you've been busy. Just remember that You have an entire shelf reserved for your work in my library! Peace Buddy
