Monday, October 05, 2009

Conferences and Conventions Abound!

Hey, folks.

I am preparing to do a double-dip...two conventions in one week! I'm setting off to attend the Internet Librarians Conference in Monterey from the 24th to the 28th, then heading up the coast to San Jose to attend the World Fantasy Convention from the 29th through the 1st. I'm driving out there, so wish me luck on the roads.

I'm really excited about attending these two events. I'll probably look like a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces missing before the end, but what an adventure! Because I'm attending the Interent Librarians Conference on behalf of my employer, Salt Lake City Public Library, I get to have half of the adventure on their dime. Sweet!

Anyway, I look forward to it, and plan to blog furiously about the whole thing, if my fingers are still working by the end of all those big days.

Take care, and I hope you're all well.

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