Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Working on "Settled Dust", music from "Blind Divine"

Hey, Folks,

Working on making "The Settled Dust" what it should be. Just wrote a few new scenes that I think will really tie the story arc of a secondary antagonist together. I feel like the scenes are strong ones, and I hope that they improve the work. I hope to have a full manuscript of "Dust" ready to pass around to a few readers by the beginning of April. That would be kicky! Wish me luck.

In other news, I recently bought a subscription to Magnatune.com, and I've been downloading some great music from them with. Among the disks I recently got, here's one that I dig. It's called "Queen of Venom" by Blind Divine. They're low-key rock with a very haunting female vocalist. Very haunting. My favorite track is probably "Twist the Knife".

Expect more music here. I think it'll become one of my things. Good to have, things are.

Anyway, enjoy!

Queen Of Venom by Blind Divine

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